Dad's First Connection Between Sorin and Norah

When Sorin was only a few months old, I would sometimes be the one to get out of bed and console his crying.  Often it was very frustrating because I had never spent so much time with a child and I hardly knew what I was doing.

Then I found the march.

Our home was 726 Briar Hill in Madison.  We had hardwood floors and not much area to work with. I think I was across the living room in four steps, the dining room in three, and another couple in the kitchen.  Then a smooth u-turn and I was retracing my route.

But it wasn't the route that comforted Sorin.  It was the rhythm of my pace and specifically the hitch in my step that produced just enough motion to bring Sorin to a happy place (which in turn took me to a very happy place).

Last night I started to experience the same results with Norah that I perfected with Sorin.  What I had already discovered is that she enjoys having her head lean over my forearm as I'm holding her; it almost drapes over the side, but she loves it.

Maybe you've found a similar march when you walk your kids to sleep.  If so, can you keep it to yourself and just let me have this one.  I have a pretty big sense of accomplishment right now.


Heather Haas said...

I love you guys! I love Sorin! I love Norah! I may be coming for a visit in early June.

Quick question: I am unable to play any of the videos on your blog. What is wrong?


Katie Schiefelbein said...

Hi Heather - good to talk to you today!!! Not sure what is wrong with the video there may have been a little glitch - try it again and let us know if it worked. I just tried it and it worked on my computer. Love you too!!!

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