4 Months

Our pretty little girl is 4 months old... she is the happiest little baby I have ever known : ). She smiles and smiles and smiles and smiles. She even smiles at Sorin now, most of the time she just stared and stared at him but now she'll look at him and give him a big smile - it is charming him. She loves to grab her feet, she can almost get one of her big toes in her mouth, but right as it gets there - ah! - she looses her grip, rolls to the side and then tries it again. She hates to be alone, she loves it when she is right in the middle of whatever is going on, and most of the time she is, either laying on the floor or sitting in her little chair or propped up on the bed while Sorin bounces around her... it almost seems, at times, - as you can see in the pictures below - that she is playing with him. It looks like Norah's eyes are going to stay blue - they get blue-er by the day, and her lashes just get longer. She may, I hope, have some that rival her brother's. What a pretty little girl...


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