Here are our two kids, home together for the first time:
1 Week
Sorin and Norah...
Sorin met his sister, Norah, and, as far as we could tell, liked what he saw...
We are home now after a long stay (home coming post to follow) and are so happy to be home.
Birth Announcement: Norah Katie
It is my joy and honor to announce that Katie gave birth to our second child, our first daughter Norah Katie Schiefelbein on April 22, 2010. Norah weighs 6lbs 14oz and is 19 inches long. Katie is doing great.
I write this post at 9pm from a pull-out couch in one of the birthing suites at Meriter Hospital. Katie has just fallen asleep with Norah resting on her chest. The two sleep together for the first time, mother and daughter. I reflect as I write. I am in awe and full of pride and joy.
Katie was due last Friday (April 16) and because she had a previous c-section, they wouldn't let her go more than a week past her due date. If any of you remember Sorin's birth, it was a scheduled c-section (breech) for 8am, but due to emergency c-sections we didn't go in until 4pm. It was a long, hard, stressful day. Today we were only 45 minutes behind schedule and everything went great.
Katie and I were in the operating room together just talking through her feelings and what pics and videos I was going to get. We were so calm. Katie did great. I am so proud of her getting another child healthy all the way through nine months of pregnancy.
When I tell the story, I talk about this being our second c-section. We had a huge advantage and blessing to be able to process everything happening and soak it all it. The meds went in well and we waited at the end of the bed together. My camera in hand, I filmed our baby girl entering the world and we both couldn't hold it back. They brought her around the curtain and I filmed the whole thing. They brought Norah right next to Katie's face as she lay on the table and we had a wonderful moment together. It was a powerful moment, and I'm proud that our love is loud.
Family came to visit and it was a great day. We're tired. We're full of joy and anticipation for this new life with our new addition, a daughter - Norah Katie.
Here's a few pictures. Of course many more to follow.
Last Call: Family of Three
It is my understanding (Hans) that this will be the last post from our family of three. Although I have not written as much or as well as I would have liked, make no mistake: our family of three has been the greatest adventure of my life.
Can I rank family? Can I distinguish between the joys of getting married, honeymooning in Hawaii, witnessing my son's entrance into the world, and chasing him around the yard this afternoon? Impossible.
But this latest season of my life, parenting Sorin from infant to toddler has been remarkable, challenging, enlightening, and inspiring. Many days I can't wait to return home to see Sorin greeting me at the front window before he runs around the corner to the front door as I walk in. I can't shower quick enough so that I can hold him and I find myself often kissing and hugging him at an alarming rate. I love my family so much.
For full disclosure I'll admit the following: I didn't know how well Katie would do at being a mom. I knew she'd love me, love her kids, and do well. But I had no idea that I would witness her true calling - true calling - as a mother. She's the MVP of the family, the Most Valuable Parent. It's not even close.
I'm writing in an awkward state of conflict. I don't want to give up this life. I don't want family to be anything other than Katie and me with Sorin. This family has been through so much and has so much in its immediate future. It's the most meaningful component in my life. It's my family and I'm so proud to be an author of its story. Humans are naturally resistant to change; I don't do well with change. But change is right around the corner. Therein lies my conflict.
I don't want change but when I know that "change" is another addition to our family, a daughter, a sister - well that sounds like a win! So don't read into my conflict too much. I want to be fully happy and content with the three of us but I want to welcome the fourth. Like I said, can you rank family? Of course not. Bring on the change. I'll have a son and a daughter - I'll have my cake and eat it too.
A daughter. And I thought Sorin was going to be an adventure...
So I'm signing off for the family of three. Last Call: Family of Three.
Baby Girl
Well (hopefully) our little chick will be here any day now... I am 39 weeks and ready to go. All is done and now we wait... I cannot tell you how fun it has been to wash little pink things and to sew with hot pink thread, to knit with pink yarn!!! I cannot wait to see what she looks like, to hold her and call her by her name, and - I think most of all - to have Sorin meet her. I feel like this is one of the best gifts he'll ever get - a little baby sister! Our lives will soon change and we won't be able to remember what it was like before... with her comes a new beginning, a new capacity for us to love and care for someone else - it does not seem possible. So hurry up little girl!
Here are some of the preparations:
I bought Sorin a stroller the other day. I had heard that the weather was going to get really nice and I thought it would be a good learning tool for him before his sister came. I figured that it would teach him, in some small way, to take care of something. Hans said NO to a doll, which ended up being just fine as Sorin already has an affinity for his Puppy (not pictured here) and his Lambie. Much to Hans' dismay the stroller is purple. But, seriously, the other option is pink and that is where it ends. I figure it can be used in the future as he learns to SHARE with his sister and that this stroller, really, is an investment.
He took to the stroller right away and wheeled his animals all over the house, wherever he 'had to go' he took them with him, into the kitchen, into his bedroom, up to the TV to turn his DVD on, into the bathroom... you get the idea. It seriously was (and still is) (as you can see below) the cutest thing ever!!!!! So FINALLY today it was warm and we went outside to play!! and he got to take Lambie for a walk. Please note that Lambie has a sippy cup on the walk - entirely his idea. Yesterday he had Puppy in the stroller with the sippy cup, as well as a car and some mittens. : )