6 Weeks

I'm reading this book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby, and they talk about Newborns and how, 'like magic' things start to get better right around the 6 week mark. By 'get better' I mean that they are less fussy, sleep more, and start to smile and engage. I don't know if I would necessarily say that it is 'like magic' but things are improving. Norah, I am happy to say, is sleeping for a 4 hour stretch. Mama is feelin' good. I was getting desperate. She is also smiling, in a way. In her own special little way. Sorin is the ever loving older brother. He is requesting to hold her more and more and is making sure she has her nuk if she starts crying and he kisses her head now instead of just walking by and patting it. Life is good. Here's to it getting even better...

watching her mobile
Sorin going in for a kiss

big brother


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